Working on the rails day in and out now, I’ve found the following aliases to come in handy;
# General Commands
alias ls='ls -al'
# TextMate, mate all of current dir and crucial rails folders only
alias et='mate . &'
alias ett='mate app config lib db public test vendor/plugins &'
# RAILS, (run these from your rails folder)
# rails scripts
alias ss='./script/server'
alias sc='./script/console'
alias sg='./script/generate'
alias sp='./script/plugin'
alias mr='mongrel_rails start'
# rails testing
alias att='autotest'
alias tu='rake test:units'
alias tf='rake test:functionals'
# tail logs
alias tl='tail -f ./log/development.log'
alias tt='tail -f ./log/test.log'
# clean the logs
alias ctl='cp /dev/null ./log/test.log'
alias cdl='cp /dev/null ./log/development.log'
I should credit Peep Code for the idea. To use, (e.g. in OSX) place the above in a ~/.bash_aliases file and in ~/.bash_profile, load it in with this command;
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then . ~/.bash_aliases ; fi
Also, (and before I forget it myself) – here’s a quick session cleaner command to put in your cron, (for day old, mysql session clearage action); rather than build a rake task, or extra controller to clean them out.
cd /u/apps/
echo "<== CRON TASK ==> clear day old sessions data on"
ruby script/runner -e production "ActiveRecord::Base.connection.delete(\"DELETE FROM sessions WHERE updated_at < NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY\")"