So here we are, your looking at a fresh new install of Typo 4.0, with my custom theme, migrated blog content and mint stats running on a new VPS host, all served up on a platter with a new hosting stack (Lighttpd/Pound/Mongrel) – So basically, all kinds of ‘newness’.
As I mentioned – in the next couple of posts, ill try to walk through what it took to set this up. There are lots of guides already out there that take you through parts of this process, but I am attempting to gather my entire experience together and apply it to an existing Rails application (this Typo blog) – Working with a real Rails app like this, you come across ‘gotchas’ that you wouldnt normally see with a fresh vanilla Rails.
I have taken to using a blank page on my wiki scratchpad to log what I do, when I do it. What you get below is basically a cut & paste from there. Im working with a Mac/OSX as my local development machine and a Debian Rimuhost VPS as my server. Im assuming you have root access on both boxes to do this. And while you could do all this with Windows – I choose not to (I’ve been down that road before)
Terms Used
- server (production/svn server) – the remote box hosting the svn repository and live website, and its alias on your local dev box
- dev box – local client machine contains working copy of site
- – domain name of site
- CWD – abbreviation for current working directory
- Rails directory – the top level Rails dir, i.e. the one containing app/ config/ public/ etc.
- start reading PART 1
1 comment so far
Welcome to Typo 4, I hope you enjoy it.
I shall be following your tutorial with interest, if only because I still need to get capistrano up and running for deploying my own blog.