After weeks of dilberating and few hours of work, Ive managed to finish building a new Typo theme for this site. Ive left announcing it here until now, because im still not happy with it. Part of me wants to remove all images (header, icon etc.) and go for something plainer and quicker. So i’ll probably do that – I actually prefer the look of the footer to the header which is really just a grungy placeholder image for now.
Theres a little bit of AJAX and some moo.fx in the sidebar now – which should speed loading times up a little on the homepage which used to use the rather heavier scriptaculous – and all entries and comments are now using Textile (instead of Markdown)
3 comments so far
I tidied up some styles and fixed some IE box model bugs last night – a new simpler header is on its way
I like this design a lot. One for typogarden?
Ive also just switched to use my photo feed from 23hq – thanks to Lars Pind for sending me this typo patch