Upgrading to Rails 1.1

1 comment

While it may be considered good news that Dreamhost has upgraded their Rails distribution to 1.1 – it is causing a large number of problems with existing rails apps. There are reports of this happening across the web (Dreamhost, Textdrive etc.) as hosting providers install the new framework.

On a plus note Rails 1.1 looks promising and coupled with a new release of RadRails it should be a joy to work with.

March 29, 2006 08:38 by

1 comment so far

  • photo of matt matt Mar 30, 2006

    Dreamhost, being the great host they are – have come clean about what happened and for now reverted back to Rails 1.0

    Following Geoffrey Grosenbach’s advice, ive decided to have a go at installing his hack of DWatch – which offers simple web and process monitoring on your server.

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